Mobile Showroom

View flooring options from the comfort of your own home

How the process works

  • 1.

    Fill out the form below with your information, flooring interests, and preferred appointment date

  • 2.

    After receiving your information, we will reach out for a personalized design consultation

  • 3.

    After your consultation, our mobile showroom will come to you with hand picked flooring samples

Schedule a mobile showroom appointment

Select Flooring Interests*

During your appointment we will…

Tour and discuss your space

When our Design Consultant arrives, they will begin by taking a tour of your home with a focus on the area to be replaced, and discuss the style of your home as it relates to flooring.

Review flooring samples with you

After touring the space, our Design Consultant will review the selected flooring samples with you so you can view several options without being overwhelmed by a big store!

Provide an official quote and next steps

After reviewing the samples, our Design consultant with measure your space and provide an official quote, discuss our terms and conditions, go over the payment options that are available, and if the material is in stock we can discuss an installation timeline!

Considering new floors?

Let us help you get started with a free, no obligation quote.

Free Quote